Our research institute offers the supervision of project studies on the topics listed below and, in some cases, our own topics in cooperation with companies.
The following application documents should be sent by e-mail to the e-mail address stated in the advertisement or to wi-abschlussarbeiten.bwl@mgt.tum.de :
- Exposé
- Transcript of records
- Curriculum vitae
Please understand that we only supervise selected theses due to limited capacities at the research institute. If no supervisor has responded to your application within two weeks, we will unfortunately not be able to supervise your thesis. Please refrain from contacting the secretariat of the Research Institute by telephone!
Guidelines, deadlines and formal requirements
The General Academic and Examination Regulations Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs at the Technical University of Munich as well as the subject examination and study regulations of your respective degree program apply.
Please note the information on theses from the TUM School of Management regarding deadlines and formal requirements:
Citation, scope and other guidelines for the design of the thesis can be found here. Please discuss any deviations from these with your supervisor.
Formvorschriften für Abschlussarbeiten
The TUM University Library provides information on citation methods at https://www.ub.tum.de/zitierleitfaden.
Registration and submission
After consultation with your supervisor, please fill out the relevant forms and hand them over to your supervisor for further processing and registration.
Please note the information on the submission deadline, the number of copies to be submitted and the submission location at http://www.wi.tum.de/programs/.
Advertised Project Studies
Projektstudium mit Allianz Consulting: Agile Organisationsformen
(Ansprechpartner: Benedikt Blümelhuber)
Projektstudium: Entwicklungsprozess datenbasierter Dienstleistungen
(Ansprechpartner: Lukas Schild)
Projektstudium mit dem KI-Lab: Non-linear Performance Pricing
(Ansprechpartner: Benedikt Blümelhuber und Jürgen Hamann)
Projektstudium: Roadmapping zur Implementierung von modularen Produktionssystemen in der Pharmaindustrie
(Ansprechpartner: Philipp Möller)